Welcome, welcome, welcome. I had a fantastic weekend over in the big city of Vancouver! Always fascinating, over-whelming amounts to do and see, and a burnout when I get home. I think I slept most of Monday and when I was awake, well I wasn't exactly focussed.
I attended a workshop on the Hladina Method (see www.inlightenthebody.com) which is a marvelous body of work. I was surprised at the gentleness and effectiveness of method, plus that the results are staying with me. Historically, I'd go to a workshop and withing a few days all the work dissipates and I'm back to my same old stuff. Not so with the Hladina Method. I highly recommend it and have already booked more workshops to attend and hope to be certified within a year.
There has been a slow down in sales so happily I don't feel like I have to play catch up. Manila Tag would like more pieces and I'm working on it. I usually like to dedicate a day a week to the store, however this week I cannot. I've been away and my child, partner and the house need some attention, especially since I'm going to NORWAC (North Western Astrology Conference) in Seattle 2 weeks from today.
I did pick up a new mandrel in Vancouver and it's triangular. Totally cool! Now I'm busy making up Mind, Body and Spirit pieces. I especially like my new item, Mind, Body and Spirit meet Eternity which is pictured. Simple and symbolic.
Today, I've decided to do something nice for a stranger and I challenge you to do the same. I'd love to hear what you did for someone so please send me your story! I'll post mine too!
Lots of sports to watch while I'm in the studio. The Players Championship (golf), Canada plays in the Men's World Hockey Championship and the Vancouver Canucks play tonight as well! Phew, I'd better eat my wheaties!! Have a great day folks!!
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