Greetings! Sharon Dudka is my name and family, melting metal, music and astrology are my games! I'm most fortunate to live on beautiful Vancouver Island in Canada, where I am busy creating jewellery. I can't get enough.
Originally from central Canada, I've been singing, making jewellery and gazing at the stars most of my life. I also was a Ukrainian dancer from the age of 5 to 17. I even danced for the Queen of England!
I sang country music, studied astrology and the healing properties of stone, took silversmithing courses and was the Stage Manager for several plays. I had several 'day' jobs to fund my habits! :-)
I moved to Vancouver Island to get away from the hard winters on the prairies and become a true Starving Artist! I was highly successful!! I did astrology full-time and the rest of the time was spent making jewellery, singing in various bands and writing for a music rag called the Cosmic Debris. Here's a link to an article on John and Michelle Law
Then I got pregnant. Always play with musicians ON STAGE! I broke my own rule and life changed. Now, I'm the proud mother of a lovely daughter who's rocknroll very talented lead guitar player father, sees her often and happily lives in the next town!! :-)
I'm now partnered with a stone sculptor, Doug Lagasse and we are living in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island. I'm trying to get my jewellery work out there and doing a few readings on the side for outside stimulation so I don't get over-involved in my family's activities!
I've got a profile on my Etsy shop that talks about my head injury, a very painful time in my life, physically and emotionally. I was in a car accident (going thru a green light!) and along with my various injuries developed a fear of the torch. I could no longer create jewellery! Happily, I just made my first solder joint June 19, 2008 after several years. Slowly I am regaining the skills I lost. Please check out some of my pieces! They are made with love of the materials and the process!!
Life is so much better now. I'm looking forward to sharing with you my journey and many of the experiences I had along the way, then, now and in the future! I'd love to hear from folks regarding any of the subjects discussed. I'm always interested to hear what other people have experienced. What I do know is: everyone has something to contribute, something special about them, they might not even see it, but I KNOW it's there!!!
More soon.....